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Joshua Davis survives a scare, advances to the top eight

Joshua Davis took a risk this week on “The Voice,” and it paid off Tuesday night as the singer advanced into the top eight.

Davis sang “Hold Back the River,” written by English singer/songwriter James Bay, on Monday’s telecast. Last week, Davis set aside his acoustic guitar to focus on singing. This week he traded it in for an electric version — a Fender Telecaster. He began, however, with the guitar slung behind him, standing on a raised platform that jutted out into the audience.

The slow-burning tune started with Davis at the bot tom of his vocal range, working hard to push the lyrics through this difficult and gritty tessitura, before building to a climax that tested the upper limits of his vocal range.

“That song pushed you vocally more than anything you’ve done so far,” said Blake Shelton.

It’s clear that celebrity coach Adam Levine is pushing Davis further and further out of his comfort zone, looking for any advantage as the competition stiffens.

“It’s getting to the end here,” said Levine. “We needed to take a risk here.”

Davis survived, but his fans had to wait for it.

In Tuesday night’s results show, he landed in the bottom three, which made him eligible for elimination. The singer was pitted against fellow Team Adam artist Deanna Johnson and Team Christina artist Rob Taylor in a three-way sing-off. Following the sing-off, “The Voice” opened a five-minute window for fans to cast votes via Twitter to determine the survivor.

Davis, either by premonition or by tip-off from the producers, must have suspected he was in danger, and posted the following message on Facebook earlier in the day:

“Hey #davisNation! Thanks for all of the wonderful support! While we hope to not need the Twitter Save tonight, would love it if you would help me with a backup plan, just in case!” For the sing-off, Davis stepped firmly back into his comfort zone. Acoustic guitar in hand, Davis delivered a defiant version of Tom Petty’s “I Won’t Back Down.”

Davis’ fans responded, and host Carson Daly announced that Davis would advance in the final minutes of Tuesday’s results show.

This may not be the end of Davis’ comfort-zone-stretching experiences, however. Earlier in the evening Adam Levine announced that R&B artist Usher will provide guest coaching for Team Adam — now comprising just Davis — next week.


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