Michigan Avenue Under the Bridge



The Under the Bridge campaign to transform the US 127 underpass on Michigan Avenue got a substantial boost with Sparrow Health System’s signing on as a lead supporter.

Sparrow announced a $10,000 pledge for the project. That brings the amount raised so far to $23,320 of its $50,000 goal.

The campaign is spearheaded by the Lansing Economic Area Partnership — LEAP — and Michigan Economic Development Corporation. The campaign’s website says the purpose is to turn a “sterile, ugly and non-bikable” area into “a vibrant pedestrian and bikerfriendly gateway that instills community pride and builds a sense of connection between two great cities” of Lansing and East Lansing.

The campaign is trying to raise the money through crowdfunding website Patronicity.com. The campaign is an all-or-nothing funding model, meaning the group will only get the pledged donations if the goal is reached by Sept. 11. MEDC will kick in an additional $50,000 grant if the goal is met.

“This is a tremendous opportunity for residents, local businesses and other community stakeholders to participate in this kind of transformative project that has the potential to spur a number of new economic development opportunities for Lansing, East Lansing and Lansing Township,” said Steve Arwood, MEDC’s CEO. “I’m pleased to see the kind of collaboration being demonstrated here.”

The proposed renovation includes vandalism resistant, low-maintenance lighting, improved landscaping and four large murals and other art from local artists. The Arts Council of Greater Lansing will partner with the project to help coordinate the artistic aspects of the renovation.

“We are so very proud to partner with LEAP on this project,” said Deborah Mikula, Arts Council of Greater Lansing executive director. “It is so important to the creative economy movement, putting art at the center of a placemaking effort that will really make a difference for the region.”

Sparrow announced its donation last month.

“We have called Michigan Avenue home for more than 100 years and are proud to be a lead sponsor and promoter of this project,” said Joe Ruth, Sparrow’s executive vice president and CEO. “Sparrow is specifically interested in having its contribution go toward the lighting element of the project, which is understood as an absolute must at such a key transit point along the corridor.”

The location of the project is strategic, with several other development projects slated for the surrounding area in the near future. Sparrow recently began construction of a new cancer center on Michigan Avenue, and several other developments are expected to begin construction soon.

“The Under the Bridge project is a critical piece of the economic development puzzle surrounding the redevelopment of the entire Michigan Avenue corridor,” said Bob Trezise, LEAP’s president and CEO. “With the current activity happening in this area, specifically the Red Cedar Renaissance and the SkyVue development, this placemaking initiative will draw pedestrians down the corridor in both directions, uniting the entire length of this important stretch of corridor.”


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