Election Survey: A'Lynne Boles

Boles answers City Pulse questions for the general election


For the general election, City Pulse asked all the candidates to answer a series of general questions. In Ward races, candidates were asked to answer Ward specific questions and concerns. Here are the responses from A'Lynne Boles, candidate for the Third Ward:

Council should work with the city's HRCS department, Ingham County Health Department and Community Mental Health Substance Abuse Program to address the increasing use of, addiction to and death from heroin. I agree with Chief Yankowski and Mayor Bernero's desire to humanly address the ever increasing epidemic of heroin use. I think it is important to move addicts towards a compassionate recovery and allow them to positively help themselves, their families and our community. I will work to ensure human service resources are available to addicts who seek treatment and counseling. I support a needle exchange program. I believe it is the best choice to ensure the health of both addicts and our community. All cities need rental housing, Lansing is no different. However it is important to make sure the rental stock is registered, inspected and adheres to the International Property Maintenance Code. Council should continue to work through its Ad Hoc Committee on rental housing and with the Mayors committee to collect data regarding the need and ability to pay for additional code compliance and premise officers. I do not agree with simply sending a letter. There should be a letter and documentation that substantiates the remedy of the identified violation(s). City Council should work with our state legislators to make suggestions for ballot language that would be accepted to the citizens of the state of Michigan. It will also be important for Council to effectively budget limited city resources to fix roads with the lowest pacer ratings due to the level of disrepair. I am in favor of legalizing medical Marijuana, just not at this time. I think it's important to get our arms around the dispensing of medical Marijuana and the enforcement of the City of Lansing's ordinance, which address number of provisioning centers in a particular area, inspection and distance from schools and churches that I worked to write while chairperson of the Public Safety Committee first. Yes, I am Pro Choice Creation of an innovative public-private partnership to help the elderly and disabled clear snow from their sidewalks LPD Police Precinct move to the Schmidt Southside Community Center Installation of walk/bike paths on Waverly I appreciate the fact that Adam is a member of the ranks of the noble profession of teaching, as my mother was for Lansing School District for 34 years and that he is a father. Crime in my ward is something I have worked to address the entire eight years I have been on Lansing City Council. Moving the LPD Police Precinct to the third Ward was an effort in which I was heavily involved. Mutual Aid with our bordering municipalities is extremely important as well, another initiative I actively worked on. Building relationships between our public safety officers is also imperative. It takes the cooperative efforts of everyone in our city to ensure its safety. Sharing the facts with neighbors. Stop perpetuating the inaccurate perceptions. We all need to continue to acknowledge the progress we've made while realizing what we are still working towards. These are a few of the ways perceptions can be changed. I look forward to justice being served. I conduct myself in an ethical manner in my professional and personal life. We have a judicial system that allows disputes to be resolved before an impartial party. I look forward to that process running its course and I am confident that I will prevail. I believe voters understand the difference between these disputed cases and my record of accomplishments. I've worked hard for residents of Third Ward, I am proud of all we have achieved together.

It has been my honor to have established Schmidt Southside Community Center, brought walk and bikes paths and the LPD Police Precinct to Southwest Lansing. We have invested millions of dollars to eliminate blight and run-down houses. I worked to create thousands of jobs and I am pleased to have finally balanced the City's hard hit budget the last two years. Given the privilege to continue serving, I look forward to accomplishing even more as we continue to improve the quality of life for citizens of Southwest Lansing.


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