Green screen

Contest challenges students to produce short films about environmental awareness


What does green mean to you?Energy Works Michigan wants to know— in 90 seconds or less. The company issponsoring the “Show Green” video competition, in which students are invited tocreate a film showing what “going green” means to them, and what projects they,their school or their community are working on to make the world a betterplace.

Project associate KellyWeger said that Energy Works Michigan has encountered many young people andschools working towards the same initiative as they are: to go green andimprove the environment.

“We’re working with schoolsacross the state with a state grant, helping schools get energy efficiency andrenewable energy installations,” she said. “We’ve been working on that foralmost a year, and as that project has been developing we’ve been visitingschools and learning a lot about what various schools are doing across thestate. It’s been really amazing to learn about projects that individual schoolsare putting on that are mostly unpublicized.”

Projects like installingsolar panels, starting recycling programs at schools, growing local food orbuying local — these are all things Weger has seen from students in Michigan,and she’s hoping that this video contest will help spread the word and bringawareness to what they’re doing. “We thought it would be great to present aplatform for schools to share with other schools what they are doing that perhapsnobody else has heard about,” she said.

Energy Works Michigan is anAnn Arbor-based non-profit working to support energy efficiency and renewableenergy industries. Part of their work includes the Michigan Renewable SchoolsProgram, a project bringing energy efficiency and renewable energy improvementsto K-12 schools throughout Michigan. The students they are teaching about goinggreen already know a thing or two of their own about being environmentallyresponsible, and that’s what they’re looking to see in the films.

“Submissions will be judgedon their concept, creativity, innovative thinking, and passion about the environmentalchallenges facing us,” Weger said.

Students under the age of 19can enter the contest. There will be two categories, under 12 and 12-19 yearsold. The videos could be public service announcements, documentaries,interviews, poetry, live action, animation, puppets, photography, orclaymation. Entries can be submitted online at and are due onJune 1. 


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