Eye candy of the Week


Property: Various memorials and sculptures in the Lansing region commemorating service in the military. (Pictured: the Michigan Veteran’s Memorial at the Capitol.)

In the formal Victorian gardens located on the grounds of the Capitol resides an excellent collection of public art including a dynamic group of war memorials lining the eastern edge of the lawn. The finely crafted sculptures range from highly decorative bronze statues to the minimalist as they march down Capitol Avenue.

They are a tribute to Michigan’s vision, its loyalty and honor to the nation including the Michigan Veterans Memorial erected in 1982. According to its inscription, it "is one of the first multi-conflict memorials erected in the United States to memorialize service and sacrifices of the states servicemen and servicewomen when called upon to serve their country in the cause of freedom."

Public Art is a dynamic way to enhance our city, strengthen our neighborhoods and deepen civic pride. Memorials are one of the oldest and most abundant forms of officially sanctioned public art. Take time to inspect war memorials, not only as a sign of respect, but also to appreciate the fine craftsmanship of these structures.

“Eye candy of the Week" is our weekly look at some of the nicer properties in Lansing. It rotates each with Eyesore of the Week. If you have a suggestion, please e-mail eye@lansingcitypulse.com or call Neal McNamara at 371-5600 ex. 17.


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