Such great heights

Kent A. Love has a story to tell about dropping down 23 stories


“Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but byits breathtaking moments.”

In a momentary lapse of judgment – or was it inspiration, Iagreed to jump from the tallest skyscraper in the city, the Boji Tower. The thing about towers is they’re tall — 23 stories, to be precise. Technically, it’s called rappelling, but for someone with a fear of heights and no previousexperience descending without assistance from an elevator, I was preparing toplummet to the cold hard concrete below.

Why did I agree to participate? One of the best moments of my life — my wedding reception — occurredon the 22nd floor of that very building. Plus, I wasn’t getting any younger. I was going “over the edge,” but also “over the hill” withmy Big 4-0. Perhaps more importantly, the event raised money for a goodcause. The Team Foundation, a divisionof the Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB), promotes tourismdevelopment and provides scholarships to students pursuing hospitality andtourism careers. They’re doing wonderfulwork to make our community a better place to live, work and play. I guess you could say my reasoning wasone part charity, one part nostalgia, and one part mid-life crisis — a lethalcombination!

The day of the descent started like any other: shower,shave, a light breakfast. What towear? Time warp back to the ‘80sin a pair of parachute pants? Itcouldn’t hurt to have a backup chute just in case. No, a red, white and blue Superman t-shirt would suffice. Can’t go wrong with All-Americansuperhero!

I was assured the brief training session prior to my descentwould prepare me. In the monthspreceding the event, everyone kept asking about my big jump. “It’sa rappel, not a jump,” I would calmly correct - the mere thought sending terrorthrough every bone in my body.

After signing my life away, I was fitted with a full-body harness,helmet and gloves. A quick equipmentbriefing – carabiner,ascender, and most importantly, the breaking system simply called a descender,and I was ready for my training rappel down one story of the insidestairwell. One story I couldhandle! Everything seemed to workas planned, other than remembering to keep my right hand loose next to my hipto feed the rope. Check!

Once I reached the platform, a crew member rechecked myequipment and connected my harness to the lines. (Yes, I checked the ropes for frays.) After a nervous wave to family andfriends below, over went my left leg, followed by my right leg. The crew member calming instructed me tolet go of the railing and lean back. WHAT? LET GO AND LEANBACK? ARE YOU MAD? Withouta doubt, the most terrifying moment was hanging from the side of the buildingand being asked to “let go and lean back.”

I knew my best defense against the fear was to trust theequipment and believe in myself. Islowly released my death grip, leaned back and shifted my weight into theharness. Step by small step, I startedrappelling down the side of a 23-story building.

Truth be told, I was terrified, but extreme sports are aboutpushing your limits and living life to its fullest. I dug deep and found the courage to enjoy the moment. Looking side to side was breathtaking. Looking down was another matter entirely.

As I continued my descent, I found my terror transformedinto total exhilaration. I wasdoing it! I was facing my fear -just me, all alone hanging off the side of a building! Halfway through my rappel, I toldmyself to simply live in the moment and savor the rush of adrenaline. I was overcome with personalpride. Not the boastful kind of pridethat requires an audience and accolades, but rather a deep inner conquest overa part of me that was holding back.

Was it worth it? Yes. Did I conquer my fearof heights? Probably not. But the experience has stirred in me adesire to face more fears, take more risks, and live life more fully. Sometimes reaching a goal isn’t abouttaking a leap of faith. It’s more like rappelling off a talltower — one small step after another until you’re on solid ground and betterprepared for whatever comes next!

Thank you to my friends and family forhelping me reach my goal as a top fundraiser. Thank you also to the Lansing Team Foundation, the GreaterLansing Convention & Visitors Bureau, and the crew of Over The Edge formaking it all possible.


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