Gallery 1212 sets opening date

Quintet of artists collaborates on new space

(Wednesday, Nov. 3) A new art studio opening in Lansing seeks to offer hands-on art experience in addition to the classic gallery stylings.
The new studio, Gallery 1212, is set to open Sunday, Nov. 7. The opening will feature a number of pieces by a variety of local artists, in addition to pastel pieces by artist Jim Markle, renowned for his landscapes, many of which were inspired by Michigan scenes.
Other featured artists include Lisa Poulson, a glasswork artist; Jan Sadowski, who will show a variety of cups and plates; and David Korte, a classic-style photographer utilizing silver-gelatin-based photographs. The show will host a variety of art types, including pottery, landscapes and even calligraphy.
Gallery 1212 is the result of cooperation of five artists: Carolyn Haun, Donna Randall, Joni Sztykiel, Barb Mann and Rebecca Stafford. Each partner will also have work featured in the opening, and each will serve a dual role as teachers.
It is this sense of dual purpose to the gallery that Haun believes makes them uniquely suited to the ups and downs of the present economy.
“People want outlets during these times,” Haun said. “When we have a reliance upon the classes and the workshops, that gives us sustainability that opening a gallery on itself cannot.”
Workshops, like the gallery itself, cover a full range, including water color and pastels, calligraphy, silk and dyes, mixed media, and classes for home school children by Sztykiel. The workshops are already open, but the classes will likely wait until January. More workshops are planned.
Haun personally had been lobbying for this sort of venue for the better part of a decade: the concept of as a working gallery—a place where you can come not only to enjoy the work, but to contribute to it yourself.
The studio itself has come together in lightning time, though. The space became available on Oct. 1. Within the week, Haun and the others had signed a lease, and now, in just over a month, they’ve completely repainted the gallery, formed classes, and have their first show ready to go.
“What five woman can do is not to be underestimated,” Haun said.

Gallery 1212
1212 Turner St., Lansing
%u2028Hours: Tuesday–Saturday, 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; Sunday, Noon-5 p.m.%u2028
Opening: Noon-5 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 7


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