Curtain Call

Stormfield Theatre announces summer youth theater camps

Summer vacation is on the horizon and Stormfield Theatre is looking to entertain and educate young theater fans over the break with the Fractured Fairy Tale Series, its 2011 Drama Camp for Kids.

The first session, “Fairy Tale Shorts,” is for children ages 9-12 and runs June 13-26 while the second, “Rapunzel: A Hairy Tale,” targets 13-16-year-olds and runs July 11-24.

Participants will spend the first part of each day learning basic theater skills that include audition techniques, using voice and movement to create characters, and building connections with other cast members to create onstage character relationships.  The remaining time will be spent in rehearsal for the productions that will conclude each session.

Stormfield Theatre Education Director Kellie Stonebrook and local actor/instructor Bruce Bennett wrote the original pieces that make up “Fairy Tale Shorts.”  Bennett also wrote the one-act “Rapunzel.”

All youth participants will be cast with auditions for specific roles to be held May 30-31.  The cost for the camp is $180 and camp performances will be open to the public with $5 admission.

Call (517) 488-8450 for more information.


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