Speak out on snow removal assessment

Public hearing scheduled Monday on snow and ice removal

Friday, July 15 — The Lansing City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing at its meeting Monday night on the city’s first snow and ice removal assessment roll.

The city issued 173 assessments totaling $21,337.38 for clearing snow and ice from city properties as part of a new ordinance adopted in September. The assessments are from Oct. 1 to April 1.

Property owners who fail to clear snow and ice from their sidewalks will be charged if the city has to do it. This winter, it cost the city an average of $123.38 per violation to clear snow and ice.

Under the ordinance, once snow falls or ice forms, city residents have 24 hours to clear it. Besides using the mail, the city posts notices after that time to clear it. Residents have 24 hours after being notified to do so. The city charges about $116 upfront for administrative fees and 20 minutes of service. Each 20 minutes after that costs about $45. After property owners are billed, they have 60 days to pay or the costs are assessed to their tax bill.

A list of the properties being assessed can be found here.


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