Eye candy of the week


Property: Historical Marker in the Michigan Avenue median between LaSalle Court and Detroit Street

You’ve probably never noticed the plinth of erect concrete located in the median of Michigan Avenue on the eastside between Detroit Street and LaSalle Court. It is no ordinary bit of concrete — it’s a Michigan Historical Marker.

The inscription on it reads: “This block of concrete represents the efforts of Lansing’s pioneer residents in the laying of one of the first and longest stretches of concrete pavement in the world between Lansing and East Lansing.”


Whether subtle or ostentatious, this simple gesture can really enrich a community’s sense of pride. It is an amazing way to preserve history and remind us of the great accomplishments of people, places and events that would otherwise be forgotten.

The best thing about historical markers is when you happen upon one unexpectedly and learn something completely new about your community.


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