Unanimous support for Caamal Canul

Lansing school board approves a contract extension for the superintendent. “Thank God there’s finally some leadership going on,

Thursday, June 28 — The Lansing school board voted unanimously tonight to extend Superintendent Yvonne Caamal Canul’s contract for one year.

The contract ends June 30, 2013 and an evaluation will be done before Nov. 1. At that time, the board will have two options: Decide to continue the superintendent search or extend Caamal Canul’s contract.

Comments from the board and others affiliated with the district indicated there is already some support for an extension.

The leader behind the district’s vast reconfiguration plan, Caamal Canul was interim superintendent until April when the board voted 6-2 to suspend the search for superintendent for a year and moved her into the full-fledged position.

The difference her administration has made in the district has been stark.

“Trainwreck,” said Lothar Konietzko, a teacher at Everett High School — that’s how he described working with the previous administration. “Thank God there’s finally some leadership going on.”

The president of the Lansing Eastern Alumni Association, Louis Hekhuis, was disappointed with the contract, only because it wasn’t longer.

“We now have a stable situation in the Lansing schools,” he said. “We now have a superintendent that has proven she has the skills and can provide the leadership. I’m more optimistic than I have been in a few years. If you talk to community residents, faculty or students they are all 100 percent behind her.”


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