Run for your life

Event focuses on connection between nature and food


Friday, July 19 — You can be the hunter or become the hunted during the Track Meat 5K, a first-time obstacle race event to be held in Lake Odessa, Mich. on Aug. 10. Track Meat is a “mud race,” which forces racers to get dirty, and is “set” in a prehistoric era. But organizers are hoping to instill a message with the racers.

“Track Meat was born out of a desire to promote healthy living with a connection to our pre-agricultural heritage,” said event creator Lee Rawlings in a news release. Rawlings, a former U.S. Army platoon leader, said he wanted to create a race where participants would “reunite with the primal nature of man thousands of years ago.”

“It focuses on the importance of healthy eating and food appreciation, Rawlings said. “At one point, humans had to rely on nature in its most primitive state in order to survive.”

Runners will run the three-mile and 15-obstacle course in groups of 20, and can register for the race as either “predator” or “prey.” Each member of the prey group start with three flags on their waists, which indicates the health of the runner. At the start of each wave of runners, the prey will be given a two-minute head start. Registering as prey means runners will have to do their best to survive an obstacle course constructed by Rawlings and a team of ex-Army Rangers that participants will have to dodge, run, climb and crawl through to finish.

“The course is a difficult one,” said Track Meat spokeswoman Sara Cederberg. “It's supposed to be a team building exercise. Definitely in teams it will be easier to conquer than individually.”

The different spelling of Track Meat is not without reason. After the race, a barbeque serving whole-roasted beef and pork will take place along with live music.

The event starts at 8 a.m. Aug. 10. The race will start at the I-96 Speedway, 3823 Portland Road, in Lake Odessa. Cost for the event is $75. Register for the event here. Registration closes July 28 at 3:59 a.m. For more information visit or contact Cederberg at (734) 327-6623.


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