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Speed bumps on Reo Rd. did nothing but wreck the pavement. Didn't slow down anyone. Don't like Matson's "California" attitude. Look what that's done to California. We need a lot more police & we need the public to support them, not tear them down. Remember the politician who took the field test for police? He had a lot to say before the test. After he shot 2 mistakenly, & got killed by a 3rd because he hesitated, he was very sheepish. He realized his book knowledge of policing didn't hold up to reality. Stand behind your police. Support them. Fully fund them. Stop this nonsense about a social worker talking an active shooter into having tea & crumpets. You're just going to have a lot of dead social workers. Wake up America! Look what Joe has done to this country in 11 months. I want to go back to the prosperity of 3 years ago. America first. If you're a criminal, get ready to meet your Maker. End of story.

From: Meet the two finalists gunning to be Lansing’s next top cop. 

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