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Response to "BobbyBlue359":

We live in a society where people are free to hold hateful opinions, and to proclaim them anonymously. We have faith in the First Amendment's promise that truth and wisdom will prevail in any open contest with lies and foolishness.

Do you actually live in the Lansing area? Assuming that you do, you can be pretty sure your neighbors don't agree with your statements. I doubt that you could run for any office in the City Pulse's readership area, spewing as you do, and receive a majority of the vote, even in the most rural Republican townships.

Refugees face many difficulties, to which a handful of people wish to add. Voters in the Lansing area, expecting things won't always work out perfectly, welcome the small number of refugees from Afghanistan. Within a few years, we will find some of their children excelling in our schools, while many of the adults will have started businesses or begun to earn the certifications needed to enter professions.

Afghani culture is generally very conservative, and many refugees arrive with very little sympathy for the tenets of American liberalism. But with the help of people like BobbyBlue, they may very well end up voting Democratic when finally admitted to citizenship.

From: Welcome to Lansing: Refugee Development Center shines in a crisis

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