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Making fun of people you disagree with politically is unprofessional at the very least. To call yourself a journalist with any integrity is an even bigger stretch. Although I don't agree with everything either party says I am offended that this is where our once neutral and unbiased journalism industry has shifted to. It is obvious the only reason you went to this event was for your own benefit so you could bully and make fun of people you disagree with. Shame on you. Had you presented a neutral and fair commentary that allowed people to develop their own opinion that would have been true news reporting. You are obviously inexperienced and need to learn what being a journalist truly means. You have a very important role in society and that is to report on events without your disrespectful and biased comments. Let your readers determine the truth. What you doing instead is polarizing our great nation and making people take sides. We are ONE NATION. Stop trying to divide us. Everyone has a voice and deserves to be heard. It is only then can we find the middle ground. You are pushing us all to fight instead by making one side angry while supporting the other. Blindly it seems. I don't know about you but I am curious as to why our current president's approval rating is so low. That is usually because people aren't happy for some reason. Maybe you could write an article on why that is that way. Id be more interested in that than reading about you making fun of a small group of people with what you consider radical thoughts.

From: Eight takeaways from Lansing’s latest MAGA rally

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