Pursuant to Section 401 of Michigan Public Act 110 of 2006, as amended (the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act), notice is hereby given that at a regular meeting held on October 9, 2024, the Williamstown Township Board of Trustees adopted amendments of the Williamstown Township Zoning Ordinance to rezone the following parcels:
2.15 +/- acres at 3962 Vanneter Rd, Williamston, Michigan, 48895, owned by Charles R Perkins Trust, from RR (Rural Residential) to R-1 (One Family Residential).
The parcel is described as follows:
PARCEL 33-03-03-36-201-003
WMS 36-1-1 COM AT THE N 1/4 COR SEC 36 -S03D30'10"E ALNG NS 1/4 LN 150 FT TO THE POB -S03D30'10"E 150 FT -E PLL WITH 1/4 LN 624.36 FT -N03D30'10"W 150 FT -W PLL WITH 1/4 LN 624.36 FT TO THE POB SEC 36 T4NR1E 2.15 A
10 +/- acres at 3840 Vanneter Rd, Williamston, Michigan, 48895, owned by Carolyn Lightfoot Trust, from RR (Rural Residential) to R-1 (One Family Residential)
The parcels are described as follows:
PARCEL 33-03-03-36-251-001
WMS 36-4 BEG. 24 RDS S OF W 1/8 POST OF NE 1/4 -E 40 RDS -S 16 RDS -W 16 RDS -S 6 2/3 RDS -W 24 RDS -N 22 2/3 RDS TO BEG. SEC. 36 -T4NR1E -5 A.
PARCEL 33-03-03-36-251-002
WMS 36-3 N 6 A. OF W 1/2 OF SW1/4 OF NE 1/4 OF SEC. 36 T4NR1E -6 A.
A copy of the ordinance amendments may be obtained or inspected at the Williamstown Township Hall, 4990 Zimmer Road, Williamston, MI 48895 during normal business hours. Pursuant to Section 401(6) of Act 110, the amendments shall take effect upon expiration of seven days after publication of this notice.
Robin Cleveland, Township Clerk
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