Classic songs zombiefied

Creepy Cheapy Invades the Capital City kicks off today


Imagine going to a show and singing along to your favorite legendary rock ‘n’ rollers like U2, Blink 182 and the Beastie Boys. Now, partner that with Halloween, and a chance to win the costume contest. Good gig. Presented by The Crofoot and powered by Fusion Shows, the first annual Creepy Cheapy Invades the Capital City party will make that dream a reality. Several Michigan local bands will be performing cover sets of classic rock bands, and one of them is a local fan favorite.

“It’s all started from a Facebook status,” said A.J. Glaub, the social media specialist for Elderly Instruments, founder of Cozy fest and the mastermind of this event. On a whim, he decided to pick up his guitar and make some gothic-style sounds with some like-minded musicians: Sam Makula, Stephen Woida Jr. and Ryan Bliton. Thus, the Joy Division cover band Zombie Division, was formed.

After practicing for months, Zombie Division is ready to rock some haunting melodies at The Loft, like “Transmission,” “Shadow Play” and fan favorite: “Love Will Tear Us Apart.”

When asked why that selection, Glaub didn’t hesitate.

“It's more of the fact that everybody who be there probably loves those songs,” Glaub said. “We will just play them energetically and as fun as possible.”

Glaub said he loves how shadowy and obscure Joy Division is and the variability makes their cover process more enjoyable.

“We may do the zombie makeup to match our name,” said Glaub. “Just to add a spooky element to a fun cover set."

To make the set more interactive, a few “minor adaptions” were added into the tracks but Glaub said they are “unnoticeable and the audiences are still able to dance along while the vocal will dance on stage in Curtis’s epilepsy dance move style manically.

"We are excited to see what the other bands play and to see what kind of costumes come out for the show,” said Glaub.

“We are sure it will be a night to remember.”

Creepy Cheapy Invades the Capital City

Thursday, Oct. 267 p.m. All ages, from $10The Loft

414 E. Michigan Ave.,



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