Pop-up yoga and coffee


MONDAY, MAY 21 - Why not relax with yoga and a cup of coffee?
Blue Owl Coffee and Heights Yoga Project will host a yoga and coffee event at Blue Owl Coffee's new pop-up coffee location this morning from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Heights Yoga Project is a yoga pop-up business in the Grands River area. However, the founder of the business, Niki Corcoran, and her husband are originally from Lansing. Alex Corcoran is a physician assistant and Niki Corcoran is a 200-hour registered yoga teacher.
The Corcorans decided to come back to Lansing to put on this event with Nick Berry, Rich Whitman and Adam Klein, who own the Blue Owl Coffee. The event is for all levels of yoga expertise and all levels of coffee lovers. The yoga class is based on donations. Prices will be listed for the coffee.
Blue Owl Coffee's new pop-up destination is 205 S. Washington Square, where the House of Eden Rock used to be. Berry, of Lansing, said Bryan Russell, also known as the Curbstalker, designed the look of the pop-up venue with some of the projects he created through his finds on curbs and dumpsters.
Berry said this event is also a way for Blue Owl Coffee to test out its new pop-up coffee idea of a mobile cafe. Blue Owl has a coffee bike that is used to sell coffee in the Greater Lansing area, but Berry, Whitman and Klein want to expand to provide full catering.
"We want to see what business traffic we can get downtown," Berry said.
He said before Blue Owl moved to its 1149 S. Washington Ave. location, in REO Town, he and his other partners had started their coffee business with the bike in front of the Capitol building. The physical location for the coffee shop turned 1 year old April 23.
Blue Owl started as a record label about 10 years ago. Berry and his partners, knew since they started the label that they wanted to do something like a coffee shop, somewhere to be centered around music.
"We wanted to make sure people's voices get heard," Berry said. Which is also why Blue Owl Coffee hosts open mic nights every week, and has other events throughout the year.


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