Eye candy of the week


Property: 141 Leslie St., Lansing

Owner: David and Carrie Muylle

Assessed value: $17,500

Good buildings are not only attractive — they also have good DNA. What is building DNA? It’s the original construction essentials like superior craftsmanship and quality materials that hold up through standing neglect.

This craftsman-style stunner in Lansing’s Eastside Neighborhood has seriously good DNA. Built in 1915, it is the latest unveiling in a string of Dave Muylle’s restorations on Leslie and Regent streets that demonstrate how successful urban revitalization can be. 

Clever built-ins, closets and innovative elements meet the needs of today’s lifestyle, as does a flexible floor plan that accommodates for more than the traditional single family residence this house was originally built for.

Although it looks like a traditional single family home, this house has been modified to include two suites on the second story and a garden flat — you’d never know from the curb, and that is exactly what makes this a successful design. The form fits the character of the neighborhood, but the use offers the flexibility necessary for contemporary living. 

When reflecting on the completion of 141 Leslie, Muylle says: “I think this is the best I’ve done. It’s not only about the house, but also the context, how it is embedded in Lansing and connecting it all in so many ways, culture and community.”

If you’re interested in seeing the interior, a tour of two craftsman-style houses on Leslie Street, which includes this address, is scheduled for 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Sept. 14. Call 999-3924 for more information.

“Eye candy of the Week” is our look at some of the nicer properties in Lansing. It rotates each with Eyesore of the Week. If you have a suggestion, please e-mail eye@lansingcitypulse.com or call Andy Balaskovitz at 999-5064.


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