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Kyle Melinn’s point about the need for more civility on both sides is well taken. No argument there. But I was somewhat taken aback when he indirectly suggested there was equivalency between the Dems highlighting Project 2025, and the GOP claims that Dems are luring the Chinese to Michigan to help them take over the country, a variation of Trump’s constant rants that Dems are treasonous, villainous Communists who are out to destroy America. The latter claims are a sickening, repulsive diatribe worthy of the 20th century’s worst dictators. The former claims by the Dems reflect the legitimate concern of many that Trump will follow much of the Project 2025 blueprint in a second term, given that there already is much overlap between the recently adopted Republican platform and Project 2025, and many of its authors are some of Trump’s closest White House and senior advisors, including Cabinet secretaries. Let us also not forget that, in Trump’s first term, he looked to the Heritage Foundation closely for guidance on who to nominate for federal judicial vacancies, including the SCOTUS vacancies. To date, this represents Trump’s most lasting legacy, one that will take a generation or two to reverse, and the Heritage Foundation held his hand for this. But Trump has denied any knowledge of Project 2025, or what his closest allies are doing to shape the agenda of a second administration. He not only denied it; he strongly denied it. So I guess that settles it.

From: What happened to political discourse? Know-it-all-ism has taken over

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