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Levi, I'm totally in with your appreciation of and love for the Michigan's grand natural resource, the Great Lakes, and associated waterways. Like you, I want Enbridge to stop routing their pipeline 5 on, in, or under Lake Michigan or any other one of the Great Lakes. Enbridge's arguments in support of their plans and opposing other proposals are based completely on economic self-interest despite anything their spokespersons might say. Other pipeline routes that present less risk to the Great Lakes and other waterways are certainly available. They are just more costly to Enbridge and their customers. In another article. perhaps you could explore the costs/benefits of the options from a high-level; no need for all the grim, gritty details.

Michigan residents and other people benefit from Enbridge's products. They contribute to our quality of life, but unfortunately can also diminish it. I sincerely hope the public officials who represent us in this negotiation will stand firm to protect our great natural resource. Although still visible, a polluted, dead lake is just as terrible as a clear-cut forest of magnificent white pines.

From: Line 5 is a direct threat to the health and safety of the Great Lakes

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