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How can you learn from history if you erase it? I have no problem with libs being libs, but look what our Country has become under that banner. We were energy independent---not anymore. We used to love one another-------not now. We are told to judge by skin color through CRT. We didn't have inflation---now we do. Unemployment of those we say we care about was at an all time low------ now it's much worse. You judge by actions, not words. History will repeat itself & we'll all be damned. It won't matter when you say "I'm sorry". Not when we live in camps; do what we're told; live like we're forced to. What has happened to America is the product of not studying & remembering what we did right & wrong. Think all the chants at games & big venues are because we're going in the right direction? You're an idiot if you do. Don't drink the "coolaid". It's pure poison for America. Study history & learn. Everyone hated one man with "orange" skin. Isn't that racist? Wake up dummies. The commies have you now & they're not going to let go.

From: Is this the last remnant of Beaner’s Coffee in Lansing?

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