Bernero says his intention is to run for mayor

Former three-term mayor sends out fundraising letter


SATURDAY, Jan. 30 — Former Mayor Virg Bernero said today he is planning to run for a fourth term.

“I intend to … have not filed yet or formally announced,” Bernero texted City Pulse today after he was asked if a recently mailed fundraising letter from “Virg Bernero For Mayor 2021” was an indirect announcement.

“No more than the mayor’s fundraising letters,” he said, referring to his successor, Andy Schor, who sent at least two such letters last year but said he has not yet decided if he would run again.

Added Bernero: “we’ll have an announcement soon. … Stay tuned.”

Bernero has been open for the last several months that he is interested in running. Besides Schor and Bernero, Lansing City Councilwoman Patricia Spitzley has said she plans to run, too. So, far, none of them has filed, but the August primary election deadline is not till April 27. If all three or more candidates were to run, then the top two vote-getters would run against each other in November. Mayoral elections are nonpartisan.

Bernero was planning to run for an unprecedented fourth term in 2017, but as it became clear Schor had momentum, Bernero pulled out, saying he needed to attend to family issues.

In the last year Bernero has been critical of Schor, particularly of the incumbent’s record on issues dealing with the employment and dismissal of African-Americans in his administration. Some have claimed Schor has discriminated against them and have joined in a suit against him and others.

But Bernero made no direct reference to those concerns in his letter. The closest his letter came to comparing himself to Schor was to say: “Then, like now, Lansing faced tough times. But leaders don’t use challenges as excuses.”

 Rather, it reflected on his accomplishments as mayor, such as leading the city through the Great Recession, the regionalization of Potter Park Zoo and the River Trail, and even his decision to close two golf courses for economic reasons despite a backlash.

The letter suggests Bernero has settled on a campaign slogan: “Together, a better Lansing,” which appears on the letterhead.


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  • UrkoOzy


    Andy "line-cutter" Schor has managed to make Virg, seem rational!!

    Andy -- RESIGN .. NOW

    Tuesday, February 2, 2021 Report this


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