Lansing grants an extra 24 hours to shovel sidewalks


WEDNESDAY, Feb. 17 — The city of Lansing is giving residents a break on clearing the snow and ice off sidewalks.

“We want to make sure sidewalks are passible for residents without jeopardizing the health and safety of those who are responsible for clearing them,” Mayor Andy Schor said today. “Due to the single digit temperatures and subzero wind chills that have been forecasted, I am suspending enforcement of the ordinance through Thursday. Residents should only work outside for as long as they are able to do so safely.”

Instead of 24 hours, as required by a city ordinance, residents will have till the end of tomorrow to clear their sidewalks.

The City of Lansing's Snow Ordinance (states that if snow and ice on a public sidewalk is not cleared within 24 hours after the end of a snow event, the Public Service Department may leave a violation notice on the property. If, 24 hours later on re-check, the sidewalk has not been cleared the Public Service Department may clear it and fine the property owners for the cost. The minimum fine is $149.00.

“Residents are reminded to not overexert themselves when moving snow and to dress in layers if they do head outside” the city’s announcement said.

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