Favorite Things

Jay Kirby and his camera


Jay Kirby loves to take photographs of nature and his friends and family. He always has his trusty Nikon D3400 by his side, so it’s only natural that it has become his favorite thing. 

I bought this particular model, my Nikon D3400, from The Camera Shop three years ago. I started photography back in 2002, with disposable cameras. Back then, I’d take those cameras to Meijer’s photo lab, they’d develop it and throw the rest away. I took a photography class at LCC back in 2004, which I believe was the last year that they were doing film before they switched everything over to digital. Since then, I’ve taken pictures of friends, family, nature — I carry it around with me everywhere I go. My camera bag doesn’t leave my side.

I’ve always loved photography. I’ve always wanted to take beautiful pictures. When I got into it, I found that I could take pictures for people. I still have pictures I’ve taken on the walls of family and friends’ houses. That brings me immense joy. 

I was at the corner of Dunckel and Collins just last week. I took a photo there on the 22nd of this month. I was delivering for GrubHub that morning; I was delivering breakfast at 7:30 in the morning. I saw the sunrise in the distance — I’m always up early in the morning — and sometimes you’re in the perfect dawn, but you’re not in a good place to take a photo of it. But when I got to the hotel, I happened to be at the right place at the right time to get a gorgeous sunrise photograph. It was absolutely amazing. That’s the way good photography is, sometimes it is just being at the right place at the right time. 

I like taking graduation photos, or senior photos. Most of the time when I do those photos, I’m doing it for a friend or a family member that can’t afford to hire a photographer. When I do them for somebody, the happiness it brings them makes me happy. It’s always outdoors and I always pick a random spot every time I do photos like that, so I never know what’s going to happen or how the photos will turn out. 

This is a very versatile camera. It has beautiful colors. I like Nikons, I chose them over any other. It’s nice to go into nature and take only photographs. Leave footprints, but take photos. 

Interview edited and condensed by Skyler Ashley. If you have a suggestion for Favorite Things, please email skyler@lansingcitypulse.com


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