NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HOME ARP (American Rescue Plan) Allocation Plann Substantial Amendment to the Annual Action Plan FY2021
Notice is hereby given that the City of Lansing City Council will hold a public hearing to solicit public input on the substantial amendment to the City of Lansing’s Annual Action Plan FY21 HOME ARP Allocation Plan. More specifically, this substantial amendment will increase the amount of funding for the development of rental Housing from $1,539,251.00 to $2,102,301.00. This amendment will allow the city to provide needed gap funding for Hillsdale Place: a 40-unit rental development that will provide 20 units of permanent supportive housing to qualifying populations per Lansing’s HOME ARP Allocation Plan. This substantial amendment also adds a preference for households who are chronically homeless and who meet at least one of the definitions of the qualifying populations. A preference permits an eligible applicant that qualifies for a participating jurisdiction adopted preference to be selected for HOME-ARP assistance before another eligible applicant that does not qualify for a preference.
The city encourages participation at the public hearing to allow citizens an opportunity to provide input on the proposed amendments to the HOME ARP Allocation Plan and the projected use of the funds, Comments received will be considered prior to final submission to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
The proposed substantial amendment is available for public review and comment and can be found on the City of Lansing Development office website at There is another opportunity to comment on the proposed amendment at the Lansing City Council Public Hearing on Monday, July 22, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at 124 W. Michigan Avenue, 10th floor., City Hall, Lansing, MI 48933
If you are interested in this matter, please attend the public hearing or send a representative. Written comments will be accepted between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on City business days if received before 5 p.m., before 5 p.m. on the day of the Public Hearing, at the City Clerk’s Office, Ninth Floor, City Hall, 124 West Michigan Ave., Lansing, MI 48933 or email
Persons with disabilities who need an accommodation to fully participate in the public hearing should contact the City Council Office at 517-483-4177 (TDD (517) 483-4479) 24-hour notice may be needed for certain accommodations. An attempt will be made to grant all reasonable accommodation requests.
If you cannot participate in the hearing and wish to submit comments, or if you have questions about the public hearing, please contact Tyler Blakey, Community Development Coordinator of the City of Lansing Department of Economic Development and Planning Office, 316 North Capitol Avenue, Lansing, MI, (517) 483-4056.
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