NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I, Patrick Lindemann, Ingham County Drain Commissioner, being Chair of the Montgomery Drain Chapter 20 Drainage Board, will receive construction bids for Montgomery Drain – Division VIII until Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at the office of the Ingham County Drain Commissioner, located at 707 Buhl Avenue, Mason, Michigan 48854. Bids will then be publicly opened and announced on Thursday, December 8, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. and, after a meeting of the Montgomery Drain Drainage Board, bids will be publicly awarded.
The following items of work are viewed as the major items of work comprising the construction of the Montgomery Drain – Division VII. The quantities associated with the items of work are approximate and final payment will be made based upon final installed and measured quantities:
One contract is being let for this work, which will include all material necessary to perform same. This Contract will be let in accordance with the Contract Documents and bids will be made and received in accordance with these documents.
Bidders must download the Plans and Specifications at a cost of $15.00 and may do so by downloading digital project bidding documents by entering Quest Project Number 8323156 on the website’s project search page, at www.geiconsultants.com (click on the “GEI Bidding” link), or by using this link:
Please contact QuestCDN Customer Support at (952) 233-1632 or info@questcdn.com for assistance in free membership registration, downloading, and working with the digital project information.
A NON-MANDATORY pre-bid conference will be held on Friday, November 18, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. This pre-bid conference will be conducted via a Microsoft Teams web conference available through the following link and telephone conference number:
Link for NON-MANDATORY Pre-Bid Conference:
Or Enter the Meeting Id and Passcode below at ‘Join Microsoft Team Meeting’ link https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting
Meeting ID: 273 015 287 050
Passcode: EuQGEh
Or Dial
Phone Conference ID: 742 348 406#
Representatives of the Ingham County Drain Commissioner and Engineer will be available at the pre-bid conference to discuss the Drain Contract. Prospective Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in the pre-bid conference. All prospective Bidders are required to submit a certification of compliance with Public Act 517 of 2012 prior to bid award. The Engineer will transmit to all prospective Bidders of record such Addenda as the Engineer considers necessary in response to questions. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be binding or legally effective. You must download the Contract Documents from QuestCDN to bid on the project, to be included on the plan holders list, and to receive Addenda. Bidders are responsible for ensuring all Addenda have been received and acknowledged prior to submittal of the Bid. Bidders are responsible for paying the fee to receive bidding documents via QuestCDN.
Bid security in the amount of 5% for and subject to the conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders must be submitted with each Bid. Bids may not be withdrawn for a period of 90 days after the actual date of opening thereof. This time period may be extended by mutual agreement of the Ingham County Drain Commissioner and any Bidders.
A Contract will be entered into with the successful Bidder giving adequate security for the performance of the work and meeting all conditions represented in the Instructions to Bidders. The Montgomery Drain Drainage Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to award the Contract to any Bidder for any reason, and to adjourn the letting to such time and place as it shall publicly announce.
Bidders shall comply with the Ingham County policies regarding the payment of Prevailing Wages and Equal Opportunity/Nondiscrimination, as set forth in Ingham County Board of Commissioners Resolutions #02-263 and #02-283, respectively. The work must be substantially complete by November 15, 2023.
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