Eagle Township, Clinton CountyBoard Meeting SynopsisMarch 21, 2024, at 6 pm - Present: Supervisor Stroud, Clerk Briggs-Dudley, Trustee Strahle, Treasurer C. Hoppes, Trustee M. Hoppes and 30 citizens. Board Actions:1) Approved bills for March 2024.2) Approved redirecting ARPA funds to a fire truck for the Looking Glass Regional Fire Authority. 3) Approved sending a letter to Clinton County regarding redirection of ARPA funds.4) Approved reimbursement for meals purchased for the Board of Review.5) Adopted a lawyer policy. 6) Approved updated assessor At-Will Employment Agreement through March 31, 2028.7) Approved contract for re-appraisal services through March 31, 2028. 8) Approved Account Engagement proposal for accountant services. 9) Adopted Interim Zoning Ordinance Amendment Ordinance 02-2024.10) Approved a contribution to the Tri-County Metro Narcotics Unit.11) Approved a contribution to the Clinton County Historical Society. 12) Approved following the current Board Policy for stipends for annual communication and copy expenses for FY 23-24.13) Approved renewing Michigan Township Association Premium Pass training subscription for FY 24-25.14) Approved paying an invoice for township hall maintenance services. Board Meeting Budget Workshop SynopsisMarch 21, 2024, at 9:56 pm - Present: Supervisor Stroud, Clerk Briggs-Dudley, Trustee Strahle, Treasurer C. Hoppes, Trustee M. Hoppes and 5 citizens. Board Actions:1) Approved budget amendment for North Eagle Cemetery expenses for FY 23-24.2) Approved budget amendment for General Funds Board of Review expenses for FY 23-24.A complete copy of the minutes is available by contacting Laurie Briggs-Dudley, Clerk.Next regular meeting of the Eagle Township Board is April 18, 2024, at 6 pm at Eagle Township Hall, 14318 Michigan St, Eagle, MI. See www.eagletownship.org for latest updates.
Prepared by: Laurie Briggs-Dudley, Eagle Township Clerk Approved by: Troy Stroud, Eagle Township SupervisorCP#24-461
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