Michigan no-fault insurance reform still needed

Letter to the Editor


Michigan no-fault insurance reform still needed

(This writer is the Executive Director for the Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council)

It was refreshing to read Kyle Melinn acknowledge the crisis in care that requires legislative action (“Passing auto insurance reform now can avoid needless complications later,” May 8). Unfortunately, this was glossed over to address secondary issues. Anyone outside of the insurance industry, and their partners in Lansing, recognize the no-fault reform law as a failure. More work is necessary, which continues to be recognized by the governor and leadership. However, the priority must be to ensure consumers have access to care; then policymakers can get back to the drawing board to figure out ways to reduce insurance premiums, including eliminating non-driving rating factors and ensuring there is actual transparency, oversight, and regulation of the insurance industry practices. Tragically, thousands of people have lost care and at least 15 people have died since the implementation of the draconian reimbursement system in 2021. Sadly, this is the fate of those three people catastrophichically injured every day. This is not just about the devastion people and families face when they don’t have adequate care; it is also about the fact that consumers are not being protected by our state. Most drivers continue to purchase the promises of lifetime coverage and contract with their insurance company for those benefits. Without legislative action, those policies cannot deliver the promises paid for. Injured people are suffering. Consumers are being ripped off. Fixing this must be the priority for lawmakers; only then is it appropriate to move on to other issues to further protect consumers from the predatory and underregulated practices that lead to our escalating insurance rates. 


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