Lansterdam in Review: infused lubricant

Wet and wild: THC-infused lube


Cannabis research is notoriously difficult because weed is still federally illegal in the U.S., making it hard for organizations to fund projects. Most of the research that exists today is from surveys of people that already consume cannabis and are therefore more likely to submit opinions. These surveys do not usually provide reliable or precise information about dosage, delivery method or timing, but they can provide at least some information or background on consumption habits. That being said, there is limited evidence that cannabis enhances sexual experiences among users.

Dr. Becky K. Lynn is a sexual medicine and menopause expert and a professor at the Saint Louis University School of Medicine. In 2019, she was the lead author of a study that surveyed 373 women about cannabis and their sex lives. Of those surveyed, 34% reported having used cannabis before sexual activity, and most said it resulted in increased sex drive, improved orgasm and decreased pain. This may be because cannabis dilates blood vessels — it truly helps get the blood flowing, especially to the parts that count. 

In a separate 2019 study, written by a faculty member and medical student at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada, 216 men and women who had experience combining cannabis with sex completed a series of questionnaires. About 52% said they used cannabis to alter sexual experiences and 38.7% said sex was better with cannabis. Respondents also reported increased sensitivity to touch and increased intensity of orgasms. However, there were some people, specifically males, that reported cannabis interfering with sexual activities, making them feel sleepy and less focused. 

If you’re looking to put these theories to the test, there are a multitude of routes you can take. Smokers should look for terpene-heavy strains like Cheetah Piss or Wedding Cake to help boost arousal. Chocolate, an aphrodisiac, that is infused with THC is also a wonderful option (Kiva Confections, anyone?). A less common but highly effective option is a cannabis-infused lubricant. This is where Artemis Brands’ Sundara lubricant comes into play. 

Artemis Brands is an Ann Arbor-based cannabis company that specializes in creating all-natural, THC-and CBD-infused topicals that are as versatile as its customers. One of its most popular products is its THC-infused personal lubricant, Sundara, designed to enhance intimacy, stimulation and overall pleasure by increasing blood flow and relaxing muscles. Sundara can be applied directly to intimate areas or used on any non-latex condom and can even double as a massage oil. If you’re interested in trying it for yourself, check out Weedmaps or I Heart Jane to see if it’s available in your area. (When I last looked, Bazonzoes had it at its Lansing location.)

MSU Expungement Fair: an update 

On Jan. 21, Michigan State University held its first Expungement Fair. In a letter to donors, the executive boards of the two student organizations that ran the event said:

“We are so happy to announce that we were able to assist over 225 individuals to determine their expungement eligibility and were able to help 168 applicants set aside their criminal convictions. Additionally, we raised over $10,000 to help assist applicants to pay for their court filing fees, which is a novel idea in the expungement fair world. We were able to provide every single applicant with up to two money orders made out to the state of Michigan. 

“This would not have been possible if not for your generosity and contributions. We had the help of over 90 volunteers, including students, MSU faculty and staff and attorneys, who helped make this Expungement Fair the success that it was. We were also able to set up stations with additional resources from outside organizations such as Voting Access for All Coalition, Nation Outside, Capital Area Michigan Works, the Michigan Attorney General’s Office, the Secretary of State, the Office of Financial Empowerment for the City of Lansing, Legal Services of South-Central Michigan and Code for America. We are pleased to inform you that we also assisted four individuals to register to vote.

Without your contribution, this event would not have been possible. On behalf of all volunteers, the members of the Criminal Defense Association and the International Cannabis Bar Association’s MSU Chapter, we sincerely thank you for your contribution in making the MSU Law Expungement Fair the monumental success that it was.”

Here’s hoping we see more events like this in the future!


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