381 results total, viewing 361 - 380
Four years ago, American voters made a grave error. Electing a snake oil salesman instead of a stateswoman to hold our nation’s highest office has plunged the United States into a dark and dangerous period of division and delusion. more
Nobody knows better than a woman how to look in the mirror, see beauty and still decide there is room for enhancement. So don’t doubt my patriotism when I, an African American woman, write there is room for improvement in the visage of Michigan female voters. Especially White female voters. more
As protests against police brutality subside in cities across the nation, displaced on the nightly news by the never-ending pandemic and the looming presidential election, demands for greater police accountability and transparency are on the rise here in Lansing and elsewhere. more
Last week Mayor Andy Schor announced his intent to open up a new chapter in the storied history of the Lansing City Market more
On Nov. 3 voters in Eaton County will choose between Sheriff Tom Reich, a two-term incumbent, and former state Sen. Rick Jones, who was sheriff for four years before being elected to the state Legislature. more
Nailed to a huge tree outside a house somewhere between Eagle and Portland, I ran across a first-of-its-kind yard sign reading, "MEDIA IS THE VIRUS." more
The more things change, the more they stay the same. more
Until now the most important election in my life was my first. It was 1968, and I was stationed in Thailand. more
As college and university administrators finalize plans for fall 2020 for continuing student education amid the reality and consequences of COVID-19, they need to simultaneously address Black Lives Matter and structural racism. They can do this by making a class on American slavery mandatory. more
School bells are beginning to ring across mid-Michigan, but not in a way we’ve ever heard before. With no small amount of trepidation on the part of students, parents and educators, and with the coronavirus potentially lurking behind every sniffle, many area schools have wisely opted to begin the year in all-virtual mode. more
No statewide ballot questions? No competitive statewide political race? Very few compelling races anywhere? No matter. A record 2.2 million Michiganders voted in last week’s primary. more
You may not have noticed an unusual aroma wafting around Lansing City Hall these days, the one that smells like an inside deal — funded by city taxpayers — to prop up Mayor Andy Schor at a challenging time in his tenure. more
In a jarring case of mistaken identity, several maskless cops at the Lansing Police Department escorted me out a parked car outside my downtown apartment yesterday, pointed guns at my back and forced me well within six feet of officers as I was cuffed and loaded into the backseat of a police SUV. more
With good reason, much ink has been spilled about Donald Trump’s trainwreck interview with Axios’s Jonathan Swan. more
The City of Lansing is more than meets the eye. more
Every once in a while, an elected official comes along who does their job with a compelling combination of humility, humor, common sense and stone cold competence. more
After more than two months of “recommending” that Michigan residents wear face coverings to help contain the spread of the coronavirus. more
About 20% of full-time workers — some 26 million people — have a young child at home. If schools don’t reopen this fall, many of them will face pronounced hardship.  more
A week after Lansing police unleashed tear-gas canisters on rioters and bystanders in downtown Lansing, the city’s growing protest movement against police brutality has taken a welcome turn … more
A broad consensus has emerged among epidemiological experts that we stand little chance of conquering COVID-19 without a massive expansion in testing to determine the true extent of the pandemic, especially to identify those infected with the virus who are asymptomatic more
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